Confirmation begins the 2nd semester of the Junior Year & continues through the 1st semester of the Senior Year
TRADITION: The youth is strongly encouraged to attend Life Teen at Prince of Peace for a year and a half immediately prior to receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
FOR EXAMPLE: Upcoming Juniors in high school must have attended Life Teen his/her Sophomore year and the first half of his/her Junior year.
EXPECTATION: Youth will attend Mass every weekend and know, at least, an Act of Contrition, Prayer Before Meals, How to pray the Rosary including all prayers, the Ten Commandments, Seven Sacraments, Seven Corporal Works of Mercy, Seven Spiritual Works of Mercy, 4 Marks of the Catholic Church, Precepts of the Church, Holy Days of Obligation, and Gifts of the Holy Spirit (all of this is taught in Faith Formation throughout the years).
CONFIRMATION SPONSOR CRITERIA: * Cannot be a parent, Must be at least 18 years of age, Must be a Confirmed Catholic, and in "good standing" with the Catholic Church.
* "Good Standing" - attends weekly mass, has received Sacraments, participates in Reconciliation, and is eligible to receive the Holy Eucharist.
* If sponsor is not a member of Prince of Peace Catholic Church, he/she will need to obtain a signed letter from his/her parish priest stating he/she is in good standing and is eligible to be a Confirmation sponsor.
CONFIRMATION PROJECTS: Letter to the Bishop asking him to Confirm the candidate, Service Hours, Select your Saint Name and write a Saint Paper.
* It is recommended the youth work on these during the summer because the fall semester of the senior year can be overwhelming
* Specific Instructions will be given in class for each project
Look for more information on this website for updated information regarding calendars, expectations, and assignments.
Baptism Certificate copies are required for each Sacrament and should accommodate the Registration Form along with the fee at the time of submission.