Tax Law Changes that affect Charitable Giving and Retirement Plans
Via Mobile
Give securely with the Abundant app, available in the Google Play or App Store. The Abundant app allows you to securely donate to Prince of Peace via multiple payment options.
Via Text
Text keyword POPKearney to 73256 , click the link and complete your gift.
Via Online
Abundant online giving is a fast, convenient, and secure way for you to give one-time gifts or recurring donations. You can also donate through the MyParish app or through our Facebook page.
Via Mail and Other
Mail in your contribution, 2407 W 56th St., Kearney, NE 68845, or use the slot by the confessional at church if you come to pray. You can also drop off in the slot at our CPA firm, Hellman Main Coslor & Kathol PC (3519 Second Ave.)
We are here to support you and take care of your spiritual needs. Please let us know what we can do for you.